

I've been really worried about defining who I am as an artist, as an internet presence, as a person. I'm putting that on hold right now because I've been trying to write this post for months. I've been wishing I could add some incredible insight on the direction the music industry is headed, but really I can't. What I can tell you is that as an independent musician I'm excited that it's going the way it is. I'm also excited because this transition into the age of digital music is a complete recreation of how the music business works. Being young and eager, I want to be one of the first to go where music is headed, wherever that is.

For those of you that don't know quite what I'm rambling about, here are some links

New Music Strategies has just started posting "100 Questions" about how music is redefined through the internet. The posts are interesting, informative, and at a basic level so you don't need to know much about technology or music to understand the concepts he brings across

Valleywag: What MySpace Music backers don't get: Recorded music is no longer a product, but advertising

Aime Street is a music community site that has a unique pricing model where tracks start out as free and as popularity increases the price of a track goes up.

Rockstar Games latest version of Grand Theft Auto (number four) has an in-game system that allows gamers to buy tracks they’re listening to via Amazon. Named “ZiT” technology, the mechanism is built into the game’s mobile phone system - as your character drives around listening to the radio, they can bookmark a song by dialing the number ZIT-555-0100 and they’ll get sent a text message back with the artist and track details.
Where has all this blog's content gone?! you may ask. I assure you that I'm working on some massive stuff right now, but I haven't had a chance to blog most of it. In the meantime, do you have thoughts on where the music industry is headed?

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